I've been at the Workshop twice this week, very quiet on Tuesday so I was able to spread out and use lots of colours/tones on some monoprints, including stencils and masks, larger than my usual work. It was great fun, the only drawback being the length of time it takes to clean up all the rollers, plates and glass slabs at the end! Worth every minute.
Thursday was a lot busier, less space and I contented myself printing more of my "Unspotted Crow" collagraph on the Imperial Press. One copy is being sent off to an Exhibition in Hong Kong shortly, along with one of the "Joy of Cheese" mouse collagraphs,
Tomorrow, Saturday, we're off to the Potfest which is in Stirling this year. It's always good to see what's new in the field, especially those who print onto clay. I almost got waylaid into Ceramics at College and think it is a great pity that Ceramics is being dropped by so many Colleges. Doubtless our current finacial situation will lead to more cuts diminishing our Cultural life even further.
Enough of such pessimistic thoughts! Time to go out to my studio for a bit of therapeutic lino cutting...

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